
What's New?

Penguin of the Week #7

Penguin of the Week #7

Hiya Penguins!

We're super excited to bring back Penguin of the Week with our upcoming Club Penguin Legacy: New Horizons Update release. Not only are we announcing a new Penguin of the Week, we've modified the current system as well!

Starting today, Penguin of the Week will receive 10,000 coins and the Penguin of the Week background. Existing Penguin of the Week players will receive 9,000 coins and the background as well!

Now, this is Shovel! An avid shovel-ist and a fanatic for buying the most perfect, pristine shovels to help dig out our snowy island! I'm really happy to give Shovel the awesome Green Viking Helmet and a whopping 10,000 coins! Mega!

See you all next week! Until then... Waddle on!

- Club Penguin Legacy Team